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Multiple phones - Root them, unroot them

Thank you beef and razor, I'm just here to try to help cure as much wailing and gnashing of teeth as I can; glad y'all got 'er done.
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Hello All,
I'm new here and to Droid rooting. I would first like to start off by saying what a great forum you folks have here. It seems like you have some very helpful members. Anyway off to my question/problem.

I have a new Droid X running Android 2.2, system version - Version.2.3.15.MB810.Verizon.en.US

I am attempting Step 2 option A

I start off with :
*Visit the market and get the free Android Terminal Emulator installed.
*Visit the market and make sure you have Astro installed.
*Grab rageagainsthecage.zip with your phone
*Use Astro to navigate to the /sdcard/download folder
*Long press on the rageagainstthecage.zip file and "extract to this directory"
*The 4 files, from the zip file should now be in the /sdcard/download folder (rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin, su, superuser.apk and busybox.

All goes fine with those steps.
OK so I open Terminal Emulator.
I type "cd /temp"
And I get "cd: can't cd to /temp" as a response.
Then I'm sent back to the prompt "$".

Any ideas folks cause I have not a clue what to do now. I'm contemplating trying a different method, but have read all the posts in this thread and just can't figure why other DroidX users have had no trouble at all with step 2 option A and I can't even get it to start.

Once I get a handle on things and expand my knowledge I would love to help out around here. I ran a site for PSP hacking a while ago and miss helping people solve there troubles.

Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.

LOL. OK so I tried the step 2 option C and My P.O.S. computer will not run the Droid.Co Downloader.
Man this is just not my day. Is it a sign from beyond telling me not to mess with my phone?
I'm to thick headed for that I have to get this thing rooted.

I absolutely despise having things running I didn't install, don't want installed, and can't stop from running. It should be illegal for companies to bloat my equipment with software they feel I need. They should only install the OS and let me and you decide for ourselves what we need/want.

Sorry for that my rant will end there. :)

Again any help with any of this would be greatly appreciated.
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All goes fine with those steps.
OK so I open Terminal Emulator.
I type "cd /temp"
And I get "cd: can't cd to /temp" as a response.
Then I'm sent back to the prompt "$".

Fiend, I hate to ask this but when typing "cd /temp" are you typing cd then space then /temp ? Im sorry if it is obvious, I'm just trying to cover any bases. Thanks
OK found my trouble. I feel like an arse. I was typing cd /temp instead of cd /tmp.
now I'm at the part that says " [+] forked 3802 childs." and am waitin for the prompt to re-appear. How long exactly does it take to re-appear? Directly above that line I see a $ prompt.

OK as far as I could tell it was done. I waited what seemed like at least half an hour. Anyway I decided to proceed and everything went just as the guide laid out. So I believe I am rooted now. I just need to learn how and what app to use to backup before I do anything else.
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OK found my trouble. I feel like an arse. I was typing cd /temp instead of cd /tmp.

Why I usually sugggest printing the guide and checking off the steps.

now I'm at the part that says " [+] forked 3802 childs." and am waitin for the prompt to re-appear. How long exactly does it take to re-appear?

It was attacking the adb until it had to relent and allow you root.

Glad you got it going, and welcome to the dark side, lol.
OK well I'm sure I'm rooted I just need to make a backup. Can't find a guide for that. Keep running into either rom manager or droidx bootstrapper but which do I need to use? Or do you use both. I just want to backup before proceeding with anything else. A step by step would be nice I don't even care what method or app just a solid way to backup/restore my phone when needed. I've searched but found nothing for the noob to perform the first backup.

Sorry I know to most here this is probably trivial, but as I said I'm a noob and just want to be safe.

OK so I just went and used droidx bootstrapper. I completed a backup. So now I can figure that to restore it I would just reload droidx bootstrapper and run restore and chose the folder on my sd card. My question now is how do I run bootstrapper if I can't boot the phone?

I thought I seen somewhere some one said to pull the battery and on the next boot it will goto recovery. Is this correct? If so Do you boot with A/C adapter in and the battery removed or do you pull the battery and re-install it then boot the phone? Once again sorry for the noob questions.
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I wish I had more info for you but I don't. All I know is what I read and then retain (which sometimes ain't much, lol), but it seems as though you are getting there.

All I do know is that the way a custom recovery image works for DX owners is very different from the A855 (D1) owners, insomuch as that on the D1 we can actually flash/over write the actual recovery image and then can trick the system to not re-write our custom recoveries when it finds that it is not stock. But for the DX users a 'custom' recovery is not written to the same place as with the D1, hence the need for a 'bootstrap' somethingoranother.

And that's about all I know. Sorry.

good luck
Hello again all

Ok now that I've rooted using this guide how would I go about unrooting if I so desired? Thanks again folks for any help.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Hello again all

Ok now that I've rooted using this guide how would I go about unrooting if I so desired? Thanks again folks for any help.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


Thanks Abe.
One more quick one for you. In the link you provided I found these two lines
- mount -o rw,remount -text3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- mount -o ro,remount -text3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
Notice the part that says
. During the process of rooting that same command was written as

Does this make a difference or will the OS deal with it either way?