Hello All,
I'm new here and to Droid rooting. I would first like to start off by saying what a great forum you folks have here. It seems like you have some very helpful members. Anyway off to my question/problem.
I have a new Droid X running Android 2.2, system version - Version.2.3.15.MB810.Verizon.en.US
I am attempting Step 2 option A
I start off with :
*Visit the market and get the free Android Terminal Emulator installed.
*Visit the market and make sure you have Astro installed.
*Grab rageagainsthecage.zip with your phone
*Use Astro to navigate to the /sdcard/download folder
*Long press on the rageagainstthecage.zip file and "extract to this directory"
*The 4 files, from the zip file should now be in the /sdcard/download folder (rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin, su, superuser.apk and busybox.
All goes fine with those steps.
OK so I open Terminal Emulator.
I type "cd /temp"
And I get "cd: can't cd to /temp" as a response.
Then I'm sent back to the prompt "$".
Any ideas folks cause I have not a clue what to do now. I'm contemplating trying a different method, but have read all the posts in this thread and just can't figure why other DroidX users have had no trouble at all with step 2 option A and I can't even get it to start.
Once I get a handle on things and expand my knowledge I would love to help out around here. I ran a site for PSP hacking a while ago and miss helping people solve there troubles.
Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.
LOL. OK so I tried the step 2 option C and My P.O.S. computer will not run the Droid.Co Downloader.
Man this is just not my day. Is it a sign from beyond telling me not to mess with my phone?
I'm to thick headed for that I have to get this thing rooted.
I absolutely despise having things running I didn't install, don't want installed, and can't stop from running. It should be illegal for companies to bloat my equipment with software they feel I need. They should only install the OS and let me and you decide for ourselves what we need/want.
Sorry for that my rant will end there.
Again any help with any of this would be greatly appreciated.