My 2 months with the Nexus


Jan 27, 2011
Reaction score
I'm just going to say this for those of you who are debating on which phone to get with your upgrade. Up until a couple weeks ago. I worked for RadioShack, which is one of the places you would never expect going to get a phone. Since then, I now work at an independent retailer for Verizon Wireless. I get to get my hands a little more dirty now, but that's beside the point. I love my Galaxy nexus. It has to be quite possibly the greatest phone I have ever used. Yes, some of the bugs that haven't been fixed yet still annoy me sometimes, but other than that... I really love my phone. A couple of the bugs I am talking about differ from the launcher force closing a lot and some signal issues, but these are all problems I see getting fixed with the 4.0.4 update once it goes OTA for everyone which should be soon. Don't let the internet with its rumors of terrible unfixable hardware glitches keep you from getting this phone because for one... they are not true. This phone is a revolutionary step for the mobile world in so many ways... I mean; What can't you do with this phone? I don't know an answer to that question. While it's battery leaves some desire to be had, other than the Razr Maxx, the battery life compared to other 4G devices is top notch. I don't regret getting this phone one bit and I don't think I will regret having it for the next two years. Just thought I would voice my opinion and let you know how I felt. I hope all of you considering the nexus end up getting it because you will love it. Okay, I'm done now.DancingNexus
Glad to hear you're enjoying the Nexus, I'm definitely enjoying it as much as you are.
I hate that I love this phone so much... lol

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Glad to hear you are enjoying it as much as me. Thanks for sharing with us!
I love it also. Very glad I traded in the Bionic for it.

Now if they would come out with some accessories that are affordable it would be nice.
The GNEX is a great phone. I can't complain about battery life anymore, because I have 3 batteries available when I'm away from my home or car charger. Looking forward to the update; then maybe I'll fall in love with it. LOL!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
thanks, but i don't think the .0001% of cell phone users that frequent these forums will have an impact on GN sales based on a few complaints. :D
I am still in week 1 with the GNex and this thing just blows me away. Coming from the Bionic, which is a very capable device, the GNex is on an entirely different level.

I use the VZW extended battery and my GNex goes 18 hours with about 30% still left. I am running my GNex stock with only a couple of apps added, maybe that helps. I planned on getting a second extended battery just for those days where it gets low when I am on the go. But, so far, the GNex totally outlasts me every day!

Had to add to the lovefest...
Not to piss on everyone's parade but if razr maxx had ICS on it, it would be a superior phone. 4.0.4 leaked update is nice but doesn't improve signal reception. It does make it look like you have good signal but your dbm tell the truth.

I have both phones, nexus and Razr Maxx, and often time compare a lot of features side by side. 99% of the time screen size is identical because buttons on nexus take up precious landscape making actual display area same size as razr.

When it comes to signal reception its sad how poor it is on nexus. Razr will show 4 out of 5 bars and have 75dbm while nexus will show 4 out of 4 bars and have 98dbm. At the
same time running speedtest on both from same servers razr constantly gets 2-3 times faster download and upload speeds.

Now when it comes to software this is where nexus shines. It really is that awesome that it makes up for all its hardware faults.

Battery I'm not going to even mention because they're from different realms.
Yay, another signal bar comparison. Sorry dude, with ICS or not, Motorola and their locked bootloaders might as well run IOS as far as I'm concerned. Razr's screen is inferior also. As a matter of fact, the Razr is inferior to the Nexus in every way I use my phone. I couldn't care less about the battery. I wouldn't trade my Nexus for two Maxx's if I couldn't sell them.
Not quite, I was actually comparing the signal reception if you read my post. Bars I couldn't care less for, but performance speaks for itself. When we travel out of town, and nexus switches from 4g to 3g miles earlier then maxx does. You can't deny the fact that motorola makes superior radio. I love my nexus also, I but it's far from perfect.