My 2 months with the Nexus

If u are having alot of reboots I would definitely try to narrow it down to see if an app is causing this. Some of these devs might of did a poor job of updating their apps to work with ics. If u are getting reboots every single day it shouldn't be a problem going without downloading any apps on your phone for a day. Then if u have no reboots start downloading a few at a time to see if the rebooting starts again.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
If u are having alot of reboots I would definitely try to narrow it down to see if an app is causing this. Some of these devs might of did a poor job of updating their apps to work with ics. If u are getting reboots every single day it shouldn't be a problem going without downloading any apps on your phone for a day. Then if u have no reboots start downloading a few at a time to see if the rebooting starts again.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums

I have a reboot issue on Google music. Every time I'm listening to music and go to change sound settings from dance to pop or whatever the phone automatically reboots right when I the scroll down thing pops out.

I've had two three reboots in a row before for no reason. Recently at least.

The thunderbolt was notorious for those and I never had that reboot issue. Had more reboots with my nexus. I really hope the battery gets better cause it's been weak. I can't make it through the day I want a phone that I can use and have it last a day.
Love my Gnex coming from the Bionic I will never go back to Motorola again. And will never use a HTC again

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

yep, the bionic made me an anti-moto person for life. moto has good hardware, but is incredibly incompetent with software. i know the razr isn't as bad as that one, but i like my GN :D
Guys, we are getting a little carried away in here. Let's settle down. Thank you.
uhg... I can't even get some decent discussion going on desktop dock alternatives... :blink: bah :D
why does my galaxy random reboots? - Google Mobile Helpdo you want to hear it from Google itself before realizing its a fact that a large portion of nexus have reboot problem? How about a news post on this same forum stating exactly the same And by the way, even though English is not my primary language, I do know the definition of a fact. Thanks.

That's exactly how it needs to be referred to. "portion". As in not everyone has the same, universal experience that you described. That's the only point I was bringing up. Didn't mean to upset anyone :biggrin:
It sounds like everyone is loving the GNEx. I have loved it as well but get very frustrated at times with it, especially not being able to get HBO GO app. That's sucks. The not so full homepage, Google sear bar, takes up a lot of space on every screen. It would be nice to be able to use the entire, large screen for widgets. Any ideas?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
When you say reboot issue are you talking about the phone just rebooting itself at various times? I have encountered that several times. I even exchanged my GNEX for a new one and within a few weeks it rebooted a few times. I guess we have to live with that.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
It sounds like everyone is loving the GNEx. I have loved it as well but get very frustrated at times with it, especially not being able to get HBO GO app. That's sucks. The not so full homepage, Google sear bar, takes up a lot of space on every screen. It would be nice to be able to use the entire, large screen for widgets. Any ideas?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Try another launcher. Some let you remove the search bar.