Wifi: alot, have networks by friends saved
Bluetooth: off and on when i use my earpiece
GPS: always on
Brightness: stock setting
Clocking: Min:5500 Max:1100 Governor: interactive
Kernel: chevy low volt 1100
Setcpu: dont use, use built in governor only
Animations: all animations
Edit: I have 7 widgets in total on my 3 homescreens.
I use Launcherpro, 3 screen loop around setting too.
I dont use transitions for my homescreens.
I don't use live wallpapers.
thx dredhead407 for ur template lol
left phone off the charger all night and woke to being at 90%, i use heavily on games and checking android news and random fb and twitter stuff. i use pulse alot too. i can run for a full day with out killing the phone unless i play a bunch of games for along time.