Since I'm on taps talk i can't quote but i don't mean to get everyone all cranked up. Hook is right to say when i can i will. I'm not avoiding anyone or anything at all. As soon as i can i will get more out. Simply put I've been asked by vzw to hold off and have a conference call with them tonight. No promise but i'm trying to get you guywhat you need.
So what can we glean from this?
1. Verizon is at fault. So no more blaming the poor man for anything? Talk about a rock and hard place. I do this all the time at work. I promise customers things because I like helping them out... then my boss find outs and on occasion I realize I was a little too premature with my promises.
2. Conference Call tonight? That's a good step. He's still on the trial! Something could result from this!
Side note : Pic's / Specs came out today FINALLY on the LG EnVPro. 9 days before Launch! Not interested in the phone at all, but hey, the 23rd releases date (or at least week of) is very much alive!