I just want to let everyone know that Black_Man_X is a VZW engineer, while Miami's TWO sources, which he had a meeting with during our chat, are MUCH higher up on the VZW ladder than him, therefore I believe that Miami knows what he is talking about and is much more credible. I would take what Miami says over Black_Man_X's any day.
I believe there will be a 3g version released around November 23, and later on, there will be an upgrade to 4g or the Droid Incredible HD 2.0 will be released (Which Black_Man_X is talking about).
Not sure how both will play out yet....bklackman x is a relaible source also.. I have sent an email and been in contact tonight with the VZW CC as well...
As soon as I know for sure. I will post it up..nothing more to do for now but wait it out with you guys
Well said.