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Name an App that Justifys a $30 data plan

Since loading Shazam, I'm in agreement that it's well worth the $30 per month. Being able to find the artist, title of a song or the album is priceless. I attribute this to being a time saver, and as such figure my time is worth something! Maybe minimum wage at times.. ;)

Any app that saves me time I feel justifies the monthly fee. In business - time is money.

On that note - can I get paid for all the dozens of hours spent weekly here on the Droidforum? :) Heck - those hours have shown me invaluable time saving tips, advice, resources, etc. Yea - I'd pay $30 membership dues here! As well as the data fee to VZW. cuskit

Very well said...........
Just like having tiered texting plans, some people think that they should be offered a tiered data plan. One for people who don't need UNLIMITED data, maybe even less than a GB of data per month. Those types of users a lot of times think that they shouldn't have to be on the same plan as someone who is using 10 Gigs a month. I agree to a certain extent, but I love my unlimited plan.

My husband would definitely benefit from tiered pricing.

I would consider a tiered plan because I'm a rather practical person. I love my unlimited, because I have it, but I acknowledge I don't NEED it. I need food, water, and shelter. I LIKE unlimited data. Unlimited data is $360 a year, $720 in the 2 years I own the phone. If I could cut that in half, even though I LIKE the unlimited data, it would be something I might consider because I like to cut the fat an use the money elsewhere.

Unfortunately your paying the price of others. There are too many people that don't know that accessing an app or downloading an app requires data, and how much data each app can send back and forth. Plus each apps size to download. This is the same reason you can't get it without data.. seeing as everything you do requires it. Say you had a 2.5GB plan, and you weren't watching how much you've used, and say you get to 3.0GB. Let's just use 1.99$ per MB. That's roughly 512 MB more then you said you were going to use, at that rate you now owe verizon $1018.88 . Even if they were charging $0.99 per MB that's still $506.88 . So you can see why they just do it one way for everyone.
All ya'll aren't even address the question.
Putting me on blast like I'm saying this phone ain't worth it.

Please, I will say again.... It IS NOT about the money, It is about The use I can get from this phone now I have the abilities it does!!!

So tell me what I can get that maybe I don't know!

I got my phone loaded.... Widgets everywhere
I'm a huge sports and news buff, so I got my phone stacked with streaming news and info....

Get off

well said,
So you can see why they just do it one way for everyone.
That's a good point. But i think they do it for the $$$. LOL!

This whole must buy an unlimited data plan isn't just for the Droid, it is for all the smart phones that access data, and it wasn't always the case for smartphones either. If you have a smart phone, it's the $30 unlimited plan. If it's a non-smartphone but 3g capable phone, it's a $10 plan.

VZW didn't start this until iPhone came along with said policy, and now VZW does it too.
While I love my Droid, $30 on top of all the rest of the charges, taxes and other crap adds up pretty quick.

Also funny how reading through this thread what people nowadays classify as "Need"
E-mail, GPS (google maps), pandora (although not a need), slacker radio (see previous), I can check my student website for updates (online school), Remote management (IT), Google voice, Google talk, All my google stuff (syncs with work PC), and the ability to download and install apps without buying them from VZW!!!
It was the comic strip app for me. I love reading the daily comics but could never get access to a paper. So I downloaded that, free and get them daily. And just in case I get the urge, I have a newspaper app as well.

One thing though, Ive seen it mentioned already, switching to this I save about twenty dollars a month. I have an employee discount now unlike before but that isnt very much at all, my plan was reaching between $80 and $100 monthly and I still dont know why. I asked Verizon people at the store and they couldnt tell me either. Now its always on the same price, I have the internet, and Im all the happier for it.
for me, access to work e-mail anywhere. then there is the cool stuff, GPS, web searches, info anytime, anywhere. also being able to tether to my laptop.
For me the web browser alone is enough to justify it. Also, streaming music apps are great, but that alone wouldn't get me to pay $30/m.