So with cvpcs being very busy with Obsidian and Tanzanite, he has not been working on features in the slightest. So, I wanted to see what type of features people want to see in the future of ccroms, so that cvpcs has a nice little list to get to work on when he gets around to them! Almost anything goes, but I do not want to see off the wall or crazy impossible ideas, but more serious ones that would be a really cool addition to the rom. And of course, be polite to each other.
I will add the ideas that seem remotely possible to the OP in a nice little list. Then, once this is all said in done, I will go through the bug tracker and add the ones that aren't already on there for you
Have fun!
BTW! All modded apps will probably just be added into the scriptybox if he does decide to add it. Cvpcs likes to leave the stock apps in for those who like to theme.
Future Features for the Future of CCRoms!
1. The Cyanogenmod Power Widget (I remember seeing this somewhere as a separate app made by someone which was later included in cyanogenmod, so I will look some more...)
2. AppWidget Picker:
[APP] AppWidget Picker - Makes Selecting Widgets Simpler! - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum Bug 251 – AppWidgetPicker
3. Use scriptybox to update system apps like ADW, cytown, gmail, etc.
4. 15 recent apps instead of just 8
5. Long press back arrow to kill app that is in foreground.
Bug 238 – Long press back button to kill foreground process
6. change the verizen banner to a personal banner.
7. Ability to change system components colors without rebooting
8. GUI for scriptybox
Bug 252 – GUI for Scriptybox
9. LockScreen MOD
Bug 241 – Lockscreen mod
10. Change notification light color and the ability to change the frequency and how long it flashes with a slider.
11. Desire HD "Hibernate"
Twitter / cyanogen: Yeah, CM6 "does" too
ht ...
12. audio such as music or Audible Player over the mono bluetooth
13. Tighter integration of ADW (in CM ADW settings is even in the main settings like GEM settings)
14. Ability to switch between a light and dark status bar theme (Maybe a choice of color?)
15. WyContacts
16. Ability to pick what rotations you wish to allow or disallow
17. "CCROMS updater" notification maybe? that tells you when an update is around.. Maybe a small update push so a total reflash isn't needed.
18. 2.1 volume rocker controls
19. Lockscreen total mute (excludes alarms)(slide left to mute)
20. Control settings from the notification bar (like galaxy s or MIUI)
21. Press Volume rocker/pwr button to end current notification
22. Swipe left/right to end a single notification
23. Finer controls over autobrightness (cyanogenomod)