OK, Gameloft took care of the issue (finally) yesterday. They sent me a new link and had me uninstall/reinstall. I'm now happily burninating mobs and creeps with my mage!
The game runs very smoothly, and is a blast to play so far (think: dungeon crawling mode on Warcraft III, only with more quests and such thrown in). Excellent graphics, decent storyline (thus far), and my wife even likes the music :laugh: No lag whatever, but I'm rooted and OC'd to 1GHZ, so I can't speak for a stock experience.
My quibbles so far? The control scheme leaves a little to be desired and feels a bit clunky at times. Not game-breaking, but a little annoying at times. Also, spell scrolling will often leave one casting spells unintended (though this is easily rectified by changing the icons to "fixed;" and, unlike some other phones, the Droid has the res and screen real estate to make it still look great).
My review of Gameloft? Well, I can't say I'm satisfied. I purchased the game and had to wait a week and a half for delivery with no compensation. The way we do business where I work, this would merit a free second game or a refund of the original purchase price. If that were the case, I'd be on here singing Gameloft's praises. As is, they did deliver their product so I won't necessarily slam them; but neither will I heartily endorse them.
Bottom line: if you (like me) really love dungeon crawlers, it's probably worth the $4.99 to pick this title up. If you're on the fence, I'd wait until Gameloft joins the Android Market.