The installation was aborted?? Here's what it said on the first attempt....
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
Deleting facebook cache folder...
Verifying current system...
assert failed: apply_patch_check ("/system/framework/fr
amework-res.apk", "5d5302317e7a0a0c7cbf2b7c1ce8c35f8b8
a82e8", "5da1ccb2003fe1cf47787fdbdd9c5d1c65f7209c")
E:Error in /tmp/sideload/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
(2nd attempt)
-- Install /sdcard ...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
assert failed: mount("ext3", "MTD", "system", "/system
E:Error in /tmp/sideload/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
Any help is greatly appreciated...
doh... didn't realize I had to unfreeze apps before doing this... my bad