Yea, it can do it. AddUpdate does exactly that. You have to do a couple things but it's pretty simple.
I do my best. The HoB is pretty much done afaic. It's dynamic enough now so that people can make their own updates. They can update the FXZ. Hell, even other moto phones could use it if they wanted to. Took a long time to get it to this point, but, it's arrived.
Sent from my ICED .238 Bionic Using Tapatalk 2
I have gone back to 235 from 238. Here's why. My phone lagged horribly on 238. Plus other issues I noticed. VZ Navigator keeps reporting a error. I don't use it but it was getting annoying plus I use location on Smartactions and when clicking on search, it would say unfortunately ilsvzw.apk has stopped and it worked on 235. I tried pulling the ilsvzw.apk file from 235 and tried using it in 238, no dice, so I doubt 238 will be OTA, it will fail the soak test, even more so, when there is a non working 239 floating around.
SamuriHL said:I don't understand why people insist on blaming the update first when they have issues. It'd be one thing if everyone was having those problems. But I'm certainly not. I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say when you ran into these issues you didn't try a factory reset? You very likely went from one ICS build to 238 without wiping data. That's fine when it works. When it doesn't and you get issues, why blame the update first without factory resetting to see if maybe it was corrupt data instead? Just a thought. The idea that 238 can't be the ota cause you're having trouble with it after doing a non sanctioned upgrade procedure is, well.....
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
I firmly believe that the only reason i don't experience the issues many people do, is that i always start with a clean slate.
Takes me all of 15 minutes to get set back up, I've done it so many times
SamuriHL said:I haven't needed to factory reset yet but I'm *VERY* careful in my process on how I do upgrades. One misstep could theoretically corrupt the data and cause the kinds of issues people seem to have. Your process is safer still. But I don't understand when people run into an issue why the first thing they do isn't to factory reset and see if that clears it up. Worse case is you lose some time and it doesn't fix anything.