any time that i have activated a smart action (time based, not location), it has kept my GPS on constantly. I have tried turning off the action, deleting it, changing things, etc. The only way that can get GPS to not be constantly flashing in the notification bar is to delete the action and then reboot. so far, not that impressed with smart actions, I think I'm going to stick with Timeriffic for now
yeah, I did the same thing - used to use Timeriffic thought I'd give smart actions a try. to use ANY location-based triggers you have to have wifi on all the time - not a problem for me since my phone is usually in an area where I have wifi. Going by time, it works as well as timeriffic. Only problem is ICS doesn't support separate ringer and notifications settings...but that's true for timerrific and smart actions. I figured if it'll do the same job why run extra apps?
Problem remains, though - if wifi goes dead it has to be turned off/on to get connected again.