Nexus reception poll please vote


Active Member
Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
Been reading through and posting in several nexus threads and this is the topic of discussion it seems like so i was wondering how many people are having problems and how many people dont so here is a poll... please keep discussion on topic maybe post what area u live in and please only vote if u currently own the phone i guess previous owners are ok also :)
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Spokane Washington. No reception problems at all on either the phone or 4G. 10/10 for me here.

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Had the GN since launch day. Used it in Southern and Northern Idaho and some areas are sketchy for cell coverage - we have lots of miles that are vertical. I have been very pleased with it's performance, although I have yet to use it on 4G - will try that in Denver next week. At my home and work place, the call quality and 3G data have been as good or slightly better than my OG Droid. For me, the GN is a keeper.
Tucson, AZ. I have connection problems all the time when it switches from 3 to 4g. Also sometimes I lose connection period, and I reset the phone to try to get the connection back. Despite this I still love the phone and hope future updates fix the problem.

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SE PA...random signal issues. It is never constant or long. Its just enough to be a pain.

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Have issues all the time. If I didn't have wifi at home I would have gone back to verizon days ago

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For me the data drop has happened a few times when switching from 4g to 3g, but that's not a reception problem but a network problem with all devices. As for reception, I'm getting excellent data speeds in places that my prior phones had marginal speeds so that's impressive. I have yet to drop a call with it and that is even in some places that I would drop with other devices. I actually believe that verizon is correct on the display reporting lower than other phones. I was easily double the speed on 3g that I had gotten with my dx in 2 deer stands on properties that I have been hunting for years. It was nice to have such good speeds from those spots.
Here in LTE blanketed Omaha, the issues are spotty 4g coverage. Coming from a DX that never had issues over 3g, the GN seems to have a tough time with holding a signal. I LOVE the GN though! Would not go back to my DX which I also loved.
I'm in Houston, TX and although the map says LTE coverage is good, it's only solid in the Metro area. Outside of the Metro area is kind of spotty. Regardless if I am on LTE/CDMA or CDMA only, my signal strength is anywhere from -87dBm (good) or -109dBm (bad), it has been normally steady in the 80's but will jump to 90's. I have only seen -73dBm briefly and that was for a second during start up of my new GN last night at the VZW store. This is my second GN and is consistent with my first that had other issues, which Tech support told me to exchange.

Old GN used to drop data and calls like it was going out of style. New one has been far.