Give me a killer experience OTB that I don't HAVE to flash ROMS to enjoy the phone and I'm there. Right now, in my opinion, stock is a giant bore fest after seeing the presentation. Lets see what the other manufacturers can cook up and what Google does with their next iteration of Android.
I just don't see how you feel you HAVE to flash to have an interesting set up, it's just not the case. Nothing Samsung revealed is revolutionary and many apps can already do similar things. You didn't specifically mention which features you liked so I can't compare/contrast obviously.
I believe you'll find you're the minority thinking that Touchwiz is a good addition to stock android. Most everyone who uses stock android agrees that it's much better than any of the skins that manufacturers use, not to mention they usually perform worse as well. But I know you've said you like the current blur, which is just atrocious(opinion), so maybe you enjoy the extra animations and doodads that manufacturers put into android to try to differentiate themselves from one another. Personally, I think it's the downfall of Android as an OS.
I think the main thing is stock ICS is already interesting and fun, it doesn't need things "baked" into it, if someone wants these things they can easily add them if they want, but don't force them among people because the majority don't/won't use them.