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similar results. Only on 3G (not in a 4G area), had 15 hours of use, mod/heavy usage (4.5 hours of screen/display on). I'm curious to see if there will be any noticeable improvement after completely de-bloating via P3droid's awesome Bionic Toolbox.
This was pretty much what I was also experiencing. Drove home from my in-laws place (15 min drive) and lost about %10 battery while it was sitting in its pouch. Took it out of its holster and it was pretty warm to the touch, so it was definitely communicating with something while being locked and in the holster.
This was pretty much what I was also experiencing. Drove home from my in-laws place (15 min drive) and lost about battery while it was sitting in its pouch. Took it out of its holster and it was pretty warm to the touch, so it was definitely communicating with something while being locked and in the holster.
This was pretty much what I was also experiencing. Drove home from my in-laws place (15 min drive) and lost about battery while it was sitting in its pouch. Took it out of its holster and it was pretty warm to the touch, so it was definitely communicating with something while being locked and in the holster.
That "warm to the touch" thing happened with the Thunderbolt as well, until they fixed the radio with the last update. When in a 4G area, the phone would from time to time just start communicating continually with the tower.
i was going to switch to battery saver mode but i did not think it would matter since when battery saver mode takes affect my phone is always on the charge ie the hours of 12-am-5am or whatever it is.
stopped by verizon they told me becasue it is dual core you need advanced task killer. I wanted them to swap the battery. They also told me to set the brightness level to min instead of auto setting (which is what i want). I have the ext battery. I took it off he charge at 1030am at 350pm i am at 29% with min usage of the phone. I am thinking it a bad battery. I have the bionic and battery since thursday night. I am averaging 8-9 hours of battery then the phone shuts off.
Wifi keeps my phone cooler.... had the screen on the last 3 hours beating on it and phones been on 10hrs since unplugged.... im wondering why the status bar shows the signal 3g and the wifi.... on my Dx it would only show signal and wifi when wifi was on (except when sending a media message)... i turned the 4g off and have 30% left on stock battery
I purchase the extended battery for the Bionic. It added some bulk and right to the phone, which I personally like. I am retracting my previous post. The extended battery gave me two days off use and I am still at 30%.
The speed of the phone is awesome. Its like having wifi everywhere. I do keep wifi and Bluetooth off until needed.
There are a few glitches software wise. Like car dock doesn't always come up when plugged in. I'm sure they will be addressed in the next update.
Google buying Motorola is comforting as I feel Moto will get priority attention for updates.
Its a great phone with the extended battery and will work quite well for the next couple of years.
I cant bring my phone into work, so I leave it in the car all day. My phone has been off charger for 10.5 hours today and it's at 90% still. Of course I didnt use it at all today, but that's still great.
My Thunderbolt would be down to 50% with no usage all day. One thing I love about Motorola phones is the battery profiles. I set the phone to turn off data after 30 mins and it saves battery IMMENSELY. I missed this feature on my Thunderbolt when I had upgraded from the Droid X.
Now, if you're the kind of person who needs push notifications RIGHT AWAY as they come through, this might not work for you. For me, I check email when I check it and could care less about FB messages and such, so this is a great way to save battery.
4G is a battery killer. Running extended battery still. When I got my 28 hours or whatever yesterday, it was on wifi and 3G almost the entire time. Today, I am down to 26% after 11h 25 min on battery, 4G all day, with wifi off to see how it compares. Only have 1 hour and 15 min of screen-on time.
Today was my first day with the Bionic, I'd say it was moderate use, maybe a handful of texts, 30ish minutes of phone calls, checking e-mail all day, randomly looking at websites (5 or 6), and a game called Dark Galaxy and I'm running at 70%. For a stock battery from Verizon on a 4g phone that is great. Again, this is day 1, so theoretically it should only get better from here.
Day 1 with my extended battery was a success in my book. After 15 hr with moderate+ usage most of the day I was down to 30%. 1.5 hr talk time, 24% cell standby, 20% phone idle, 15% bluetooth, and 6% (2.25 hr) display on.
It got down to 1% and to kill it off I streamed the NFL game live. It streamed for nearly 10 min at 1% before it died!