Revelated, I have configured my phone to mimic yours. I am losing 1% battery every 5 mins while the phone is idle. Is that happening to you as well?
Mine only decrements in 10% packs, so I don't know. If I look at rough estimate I would say, no. Under the optimal (video) configuration, I was seeing a rate of decay around...what...1.67% an hour? It's been a long time since I've done that type of math. Basically, it took 36 hours or 2160 minutes to decay 60%. I think I have my math right. So then that would be...what.... .03% a minute? It was a low rate of decay.
I'm happy w the 20+ hours I get w moderate to heavy use but I am astounded with the 40-50 hours some are getting w the standard battery. I am on the extended battery.
Only widget I am running is beautiful widegets small.
With an hour straight use I go from 100 to 85%.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
If you can, post your home screens, your "using the battery" screen, and your graph screen. I'll take a look.
Stock battery is pathetic. With the phone not in use (screen off) but powered up (ready to receive a call) I left it at 11:15 PM with 100% battery. When I checked it at 9:00AM the next morning, the battery was dead. I leave home at 7:00 with a fully charged battery, but with very modest use (no calls, just a few Facebook visits and an dozen e-mails) the battery is at 50% by noon. Turning LTE off doesn't seem to make any difference. Cell standby (32%) and phone idle (28%) tell me who the hog appears to be. Have others seen this?
Those are misnomers. As above, post your home screens, your "using the battery" screen and your graph screen. I'll look at it. It's not the battery. If I had to guess, you've got something on push/auto sync.
Seems like having my exchange e-mail account set to push was the battery life killer. Switched it to fetch every 15 minutes instead and I'm still at 90% battery after 6 hours unplugged. I also made sure to uncheck sync for Google+ and Google Books in accounts, and set everything I can to fetch or long sync periods besides Gmail, which is still on push.
That'll do it for sure. Exchange push especially in Touchdown or the Mail app will destroy batteries. Any push whatsoever will destroy batteries - unless you're on straight Wi-Fi with 4G disabled.
Side note: so today was the first full 4G test with background data off all day. Phone estimates 18 hours which is still tremendous for a standard battery. I was on email all day, 5 minute fetch, Touchdown (not the Mail app). I was also doing a lot of searching for co-workers and I used the camera quite a bit to snap my new workstation setup.
Now here's what's interesting: I turned Data Saver OFF to test whether it truly makes a difference. To my surprise, I found that the Browser is a straight up battery hog IF this setting is off. If it's on (meaning forced to use Wi-Fi) the browser hardly does anything. That's with just one window open. I'm getting even more empirical evidence pointing to the 4G radio being extremely battery inefficient compared to Wi-Fi only.
Also, I did one phone call to help a friend out. I was going to use my work phone, but figured I would use that opportunity to test call impact on batteries. It was a 13 minute call. That skyrocketed "Voice calls" up to 8% in the "using the battery" screen - even higher than Display, and third place behind "Cell standby" and "Phone idle"! So yes, phone calls are battery killers too, which I think is a big issue that Motorola needs to address. It's like it's using more spectrum than really necessary to keep the call connected - I did note that it never dropped, not even when driving through a known military dead zone.