^ Just think about all the things that you don't use constantly.
I, for instance, don't need push notifications for FB, Gmail or anything else, so I have Background Data [DISABLED]. This is a HUGE battery saver in itself.
There are a myriad of settings that have implications on battery life, but background data is one of the biggest ones.
Things like GPS don't need to be on if you don't use Navigation, etc. All you really need to do is go through ALL of your settings and turn off what you know you're not using.
By far, though, the biggest battery increase was when I just set the dang thing down and quit messing around with it. I was like everyone else, always playing with it, forever changing the looks, adding apps, etc. But when I just quit messing constantly and let it sit when I didn't need to do something, my battery life increased exponentially.
Good luck!