Gotta new one that just popped up today. My pictures i take with the Camera dont show up int he gallery. Any suggestions or ideas?
my wife got the OTA update on her droid this morning, after it installed and rebooted she found that when you press the settings menu nothing happens, also when you try to place a widget or shortcut on the desktop it gives you an error message. this was the Authentic OTA Update not the Manual update. we tried hard reset, battery pull etc with no luck. So any help to make it work would be appreciated!
I'm having the exact same issue. Is there any way to resolve this?
Too all of you I say: Remove any task killers and antivirus software. If that doesn't fix it then go into settings/privacy/factory data reset.
Since the 2.2 update, I've been having signal strength problem. My signal keeps dropping to 1x from time to time. This never happened before the update. Anyone has the same problem?
Where does this happen? Everywhere? At you home?
Have you updated your PRL's? *228 option 2. If it's just in one location, I recommend you call Verizon and ask them to to a trouble ticket for you. It could be a tower issue.
Also you can try switching out basebands if you're rooted.