Sadly, I've had 4 random reboots since I installed on friday. Still down from the 5 an hour with 1.5. I completely formatted the SDcard, wiped everything I could find in recovery, flashed a fresh maderstock 340, skipped all the set up crap that comes with a fresh install, then used the apk for toolbox to have just that on there and installed liberty.
Once everything came back up, I activated, set up google account, reloaded the toolbox and set up my other apps.
The reboots were so bad (even with that patch) on 1.5 that I reluctantly left Liberty for the much tooted rubix focused, but had very similar continuous rebooting issues. I knew I would just hold out for the next release of Liberty figuring the issue would be resolved. Like I said, it's not nearly like it was, but still 4 reboots in 2 1/2 days to me still indicates there is an issue. I hope I'm not the only one as I didn't see any other posts regarding this. If I'm doing something wrong during the install, please please please let me know. I want to be liberated, but not at the cost of random reboots, which lets face it, always seem to come at the worse possible times.
Thanks for the hard work!! I know it'll get there!!
Until then, I eagerly await the Bionic.