sounds good I'm gonna ahead an this flash this!
mO's v0.7 is flawless as far as I'm concerned and applying this theme seems to work fine on a semi-clean rom. I'm hoping the problems people are having are the result applying version upgrades over older installs. The framework I used for this theme is the same one mO released yesterday.
Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is. Question for ya, as far as the addons go..can we flash them one after another in clockwork or do we have to flash one, restart, boot into recovery flash the next, restart an so on?
Should be fine to flash them one after the other. In fact I would try to do it all at once, saving the theme for last. I think that should work fine. If it loads up though and some of the icons aren't themed just redo the theme in recovery.
mO's addons just slide those missing apps into the application folders so they don't really touch any of the system files.