Super Moderator
Thanks Mojo 

Just incase some of you have no idea what I am talking about... someone will need to make a app that does this. Only utilizing the HDMI out, rather than using composit video cables
Just incase some of you have no idea what I am talking about... someone will need to make a app that does this. Only utilizing the HDMI out, rather than using composit video cables
That assumes no HDCP is being used. If so, then this may be more difficult on the stock ROM. Perhaps on custom ROMs it would begin to become trivial, but that whole signed bootloader is a big hurdle for that!
What would HDCP have to do with it? Not being smart.. wanting to learn. In my thinking if the app is just replacating what is on your screen, to me it would seem that big of a deal to make. But I'm no programer either lol. Now I dont think a method like this is going to yeild the highest quility in video, but I think it can be done. I am not too worried. I think the phone will be rooted in 90 days anyways
How big a SD card has this thing got again? Reason I ask is I have two TiVo's at home and a one hour high definition show usually 5-7 gb long. So a movie would run probably at least 15 gb in 720p HD.
If you got the space I guess it won't be a problem, but if anyone is seriously thinking that you can stream one of these movies in from Netflix or Amazon, I think you better think again. You probably will have to download the movie and then play it. That's with a work around.
And if you're going to end up using a computer anyway why not just download the darn thing right into the computer and not bother with the Droid?
Ripping a Standard DVD is between 5GB-7GB, Blu-Ray is between 50GB-70GB.
And when you compress it to H.264 it becomes 600mb - 700mb for a DVD and if you down convert a blu-ray to 720p you can get it to 3.7gb - 4.3gb.
That being said, i would put $5 on the reason for this is because the droid x (probably) won't do hdcp.
You don't get how re-encoding video works...
Hmm..take a look at this article that reviews the Evo's HDMI out:
Hands-on with the HTC Evo 4G's HDMI-out | Crave - CNET