Well, I got impatient (which is certainly not unbelievable in my case) and loaded Terri M's OTA from earlier in this thread. First, some background: I have a 4G tower less than a mile away from my house, but I live in a bowl (of course) so the signal sails right over my house. I once calculated I would need an antenna extender about 25 - 30 feet above my roof line to pick up the signal full-force. I rarely get a sniff of 4G when I'm upstairs, and my 3G is barely there. I use a Verizon network extender, which works great. Downstairs I get maybe 1 or 2 bars of 3G, but it winks out frequently.
So, I've had 5.5.893 loaded for about 30 minutes now. I have my NE off, and I turned off WiFi on the phone. I'm sitting downstairs where if I did not have the NE on I would get maybe 1 bar of 3G signal. Right now the phone is switching between 4G (with 2 bars) and 3G (with 3 bars), signal strength hovering around -95 dBm, and no dropped signal at all except once when I ended a phone call. 3G took about 10 seconds to come back on. Since then, I've had steady data. I almost never got this kind of signal strength before, so the update helped there.
I never had audio whine so that's not a worry. I'll test the apps to (internal) SD later to see if I lose my apps. Other than data drops and a few apps disappearing I didn't have much of a problem with my phone before the update. After the update I have a noticeable improvement in data reception which really was my biggest concern. Otherwise the Bionic has been excellent for me. It's not exactly the equivalent of excitement as my OG Droid when that was first new, but I have no complaints now that (hopefully) the data signal problem is fixed. We shall see.
[EDIT] I have the extended battery, which has lasted me anywhere from 15 to 20 hours depending on usage. I can't wait to see how long it may last now...