Just an update on me (cause I know everyone is sitting on pins and needles waiting on my updates)
So being a tinkerer, I couldn't leave well enough alone and decided to go play with some different kernels. Specifically because the Chevy LV 1ghz I was on was 250mhz min, and I thought I might be able to get some better batter going to something 125mhz minimum.
I tried Shayher and P3 LV's, both 125mhz to 800mhz, both set to conservative, and both with the only profile was screen off 125-250. In both instance the things were sluggish coming out of sleep, and both made my phone run much hotter than Chevy, constantly around 90 degrees seemingly no matter what. Now I'm back to Chevy, on the same good ol kernel, and the thing is flying around at just a hair over room temperature with normal useage. If I watch flash video or something it will start crawling over a 100, sometimes into 110's, but nothing like the 130+'s I saw with those other two kernels. And the battery seems to last better as well.
Skull, one question, I've seen other people mention some kind of test that can be run to see of the processor is having to deal with errors on top of its load with voltages that aren't sufficient, which will lead to overheating and overworking the phone. What is this test? I'm interested in running it to see if maybe a switch to standard voltage would be warranted. Thanks in advance!
I would love to know about this test as well. Because as far as I know there isn't one available.