Skull One; have you by any chance tested/used the new "experimental" builds of JuiceDefender? It's supposedly able to now run on 2.1 and above.
Just wanted your comments/tips on the matter if you're by any chance using it or plan to.
Skull One; have you by any chance tested/used the new "experimental" builds of JuiceDefender? It's supposedly able to now run on 2.1 and above.
Just wanted your comments/tips on the matter if you're by any chance using it or plan to.
I have not. I tested it back in March and was not impressed at the time. I might revisit it after 2.2 settles down.
If pete comes out with a Froyo BB and says setCPU is not needed, will you be disproving that too? I too thought it was a very bold and ambitious statement...
I would hope he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
If pete comes out with a Froyo BB and says setCPU is not needed, will you be disproving that too? I too thought it was a very bold and ambitious statement...
I would hope he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Well he did in fact do it again by what his OP says on his release of BB frf57. One of the reasons i refuse to use his work. I just think it is a bad plan to not have control over the CPU.
However seeing as I didn't see prior comments would you mind shedding a little light on them when time permits.
I read the OP for the rolled ROM he is producing. Technically he is correct if you go by the purist definition of "Need".
If you two would like, feel free to post a link to my original post on the old thread in his new thread. But I really don't want to get into a pissing contest about his statements versus my testing. In the end I just don't see anything good coming out of it. And I really don't want to start another type of forum war like the one between Koush and Blackdroid. In the end no one won. But a lot of good people left here because of it. And that isn't good for the community.
I think Cereal Killer and the rest of the mods would agree. It's his forum section, his rom, his rope around his neck. Me trying to yank it will only polarize the community.
I think if you delete the Pete script in /system/xbin (maybe its bin, but either way), it takes away those features. Then you could start using SetCPU again with no interference.
I think that's what he meant by that anyway.
I think if you delete the Pete script in /system/xbin (maybe its bin, but either way), it takes away those features. Then you could start using SetCPU again with no interference.
I think that's what he meant by that anyway.
I think if you delete the Pete script in /system/xbin (maybe its bin, but either way), it takes away those features. Then you could start using SetCPU again with no interference.
I think that's what he meant by that anyway.
Technically you don't need to remove the script. Since it runs earlier than SetCPU does and the fact that Pete, I believe, removed the line that killed SetCPU, you will simply do the same thing twice. Which doesn't hurt anything in the long run since both take only a few milliseconds to execute.
I think if you delete the Pete script in /system/xbin (maybe its bin, but either way), it takes away those features. Then you could start using SetCPU again with no interference.
I think that's what he meant by that anyway.
Technically you don't need to remove the script. Since it runs earlier than SetCPU does and the fact that Pete, I believe, removed the line that killed SetCPU, you will simply do the same thing twice. Which doesn't hurt anything in the long run since both take only a few milliseconds to execute.
Beat me too it![]()