So did you know that there was no tethering included in the unlimited data plan when you signed the contract? Or did you read the contract and signed anyways?
You are misunderstanding my point. I am perfectly aware of the limitations and restrictions imposed by the ToS and contract. I just find it hypocritical for one party to contradict their claim of "unlimited", which in my eyes, detracts from the arrangement, while the other party is subjugated to the former's conditions. We really have no room for compromise. It's an all or nothing approach that otherwise leaves the consumer empty-handed. We don't have any other viable alternatives, especially if this is becoming an industry-wide practice. My problem is out of the principle, and that alone. Is it practical for me to be so utterly rebellious as to reject every carrier out of principle? Probably not, but I dislike the direction that these companies are headed, and I also dislike some consumers' willingness to accept that. The issue of tethering is not a matter of theft; it's a lost opportunity and a breach of contract. Semantics? Perhaps, but I would seriously advise you all to step back and approach carriers' claims with skepticism. Just because they claim it's wrong, doesn't mean we should bend to their will and support their claims. Do we really have a choice? As of this time, probably not, but please refrain from the need to demonstrate some sort of claim to moral superiority. It's simply a matter of opinion. I am justifying my claims, and all that I ask is that you do the same.
You had a choice before you signed the contract. If you read the contract you would know how Verizon defined Unlimited Data Plan. If you asked Verizon if that came with tethering, I'm pretty confident that they would say no and that it would cost extra. I've never saw or heard a Verizon ad or rep say that the Unlimited Data Plan came with tethering.