Senior Member
You mean sprint tmo right?
Sorry. You're right. I suck. :blink: Is it Friday yet?
You mean sprint tmo right?
I can attest to something similar, mountainbikermark. Before moving to Austin in 2012, I lived for about 10 years in Alamogordo, NM. It's a very small town and very rural (although it does have a nearby military base so it has decent infrastructure). My Sprint service was better and more reliable than my friends and family who had Verizon. They had more dropped calls, more strange text anomalies, and more technical glitches than I ever had. It was obvious because I never had any issues, but they were sometimes complaining or needing to go down to the local VZW store to get help. My calls where clearer for the most part too, although that could have been attributed to the devices we were using and not the service itself.
It just goes to show that perception and reality don't always match up. (Of course, mine was obviously only one small example, so it definitely doesn't make for a large testing sample.)
As additional evidence though, here in Austin, my GF, several of my friends and I have Sprint. I have clear reliable calls. The only time I have experienced issues was due to flaws in my device, not my service. (Although there was one time I lost service for a day because a tower was hit by lightning.) I am not neccessarily advocating for Sprint, just sharing my non-Verizon/AT&T experience.
This is why I switched to T-Mobile instead of AT&Ti jumped to t-mobile two months ago.
love it.
my biggest down side is in down town sandiego the signal strenght doesnt penetrate really thick concrete walls like verizon did.
at my house (just south of San diego, still in the us) i have better coverage with t mobile.
and i pay $100 less a month, and if i do go to mexico, its free (data and texting) and the same applies to the country i am being deployed to next month.
so for me, love the switch, LOVE the t mobile customer service/ customer relations.
not looking back at verizon ever.
wife n i are running moto x's
the kids are on the sgs4 mini
I switched to T-Mobile about 8 Months ago and I couln't be happier. I had Verizon and I was tired of paying so much money. With no contracts, Updgrades every 6 months and Unlimited data I figured I would give T-mo a shot. I was shocked that I started getting faster LTE speed than on Verizon here in the Las Vegas Valley. Not to mention when I dont have LTE the 3G data speeds and the HSPA+ are way faster than VZW non-LTE.
I'm not taking it personally, the results are spun heavily to favor T-Mo. VZW costs more money because they invest more, that's why they have a larger footprint and have more upgraded infrastructure.
I have no doubts T-Mo is on par or better than VZW in many spots in many large cities, but let's not pretend it can compete on a national level. That "deficit" is not disappearing any time soon, because the investment is not remotely trivial. I know everyone wants evil, greedy VZW to got knocked off its perch, but it's not happening.
My point was simply the article, or summary, was laughably dismissive of the #1 reason why VZW has been on top so long. It practically reads like T-Mo marketing propaganda.
What is amazing about the Verizon network is they may have converted most if not all their towers to LTE. I was in the middle of nowhere WI and MO and had LTE service. The MO time was even last year in July. While others were struggling to get any sort of signal along the Katy Trail in MO. I had LTE in most cases.
2 weeks ago I was in a pretty isolated area of WI and those of us with Verizon and pretty amazing service and most of the time it was LTE. While the poor guy with Sprint was at a loss for a signal.
This is the reason I stick with Verizon. If someone else can touch them in the remote areas I may consider a switch if the price is right.
I know everyone wants evil, greedy VZW to got knocked off its perch, but it's not happening.
I gotta test TMo myself. They scored it pretty high here in D.C. I might have to just pony up and buy a used TMo compatible 4G phone and see whats up.