I actually don't care about VZW being greedy or being evil. I just want to know if TMo is a viable alternative so I can confidently switch and use the handful of SWEET phones that will never ever be released on VZW.
That's my one major gripe with VZW that is driving my urge to leave them. I fully admit that their coverage is pretty much unmatched.
Well, yeah, TMo is a regional carrier. In some cities, it's unsurprising they'd be better than VZW. If you don't travel much, then it's worth looking into. If you do, then VZW and possibly AT&T are really the only options.
Now if the Sprint/TMo merger goes thru the backdoor, then they'll be about the same size as VZW and AT&T and could reduce redundant areas of coverage to finance a larger footprint. Thing is, when you look at profitability their current prices are really a customer acquisition push and don't appear to be sustainable if they eventually want to, you know, make money.