It seems like the FBI vs. Apple story is an incendiary topic. It's obvious it is relevant to mobile tech, and to larger issues facing citizens in the United States; however, it's also obvious that it walks that razor's edge where technology spills over into politics.
Our forum rules prohibit political conversations for very solid reasons, and we have no intention of changing them. It therefore becomes a challenge to report the news, and generate conversations on these hot button topics without them descending into chaos.
Some topics can walk that fine line without devolving, while others are just too inflammatory. Here at HQ we are curious if the FBI vs Apple news is the former or the later. It's entirely possible that this news will fizzle out anyway, but just in case it doesn't, here's a poll asking you folks the answer to that question.
Do you want us to continue reporting the FBI vs Apple story developments here on DroidForums, or do you want us to drop it?
- Keep reporting the news on this topic. It is relevant enough, and is worth walking that fine line.
- Please drop this topic. It isn't worth the headache.