I read these posts and what stands out is most are based on nothing but speculation.
No one can say for sure if the iphone is coming to Verizon or not, and if it does, when.
No one can say if it comes will it be 3G or 4G.
No one can say if the CDMA chips made for the iphone are for the USA or China.
No one can say how many will jump from the Android system to the iPhone system, or even from RIM to iPhone.
No one can say if Verizon’s 3G network will slow that much, since if 4G phones come before the iphone, it can be easily assumed a lot of 3G service users will be 4G users by next summer. In addition, the coming of tiered service might allow for less traffic.
And what amazes me is why we should care. If someone wants an iPhone over an Android device, so what. Unless you are a stock holder in Motorola, Samsun, HTC, etc., does it hurt anyone if someone wants an iPhone? Personally, I don’t like it, have friends who like it, and other friend who have tried it and jumped to Blackberry or Android from the iPhone. But it sure does not bother me what they heck they use. So long as when I call, they can hear me.
This! +1
Now you'll get a few fandroids in here saying they own stock in Google. Fandroids are fun!