Possible.. but from their perspective "if it ain't broken.. why fix it..?"I wouldn't be suprised if moto upped some security with the GB update that's coming to the X soon.
... unless they are really scared of FreeMyMoto.. don't worry though.. they will be soon enough:
Other features of the app I am thinking of:
-Ability to refer people to FreeMyMoto app, via email, facebook, ect.. send direct link or qrcodes, copy embedded html code to show support on websites, bbcode to show support on forums, basically.. anything for quick information exchange..
-Documentation on the overall project.. mission statement, what has been done, members.. brief bios
-Idea bank -place for people to submit ideas or links to helpful resources
-Betas: a section for all stuff relating to aliasxerog kexec work and driver research, any other attempts which have been made, hash collider idea
-Moto Spam bot: user can set the frequency, but every cycle it will send moto a detailed email (have a few made to switch it up) and tweet them "FreeMyMoto!").. spam them like crazy until we get a C&D or get the app pulled from the market. Cause an uproar.
-Contact info
-Donate to FreeMyMoto
Edit: spambot idea pending review of legal ramifications... maybe a less extreme version is in order..
{{ WugFresh }}
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