i just dled this today, and i ran ff8 for about 20 mins at 800mhz, and noticed considerable slowdowns in the world map, but no problems during battles. i've noticed people saying they see slowdowns at 1ghz also? what is everybody seeing? lets start posting up things we find out so that we can help everyone out.
the only problem i could see with putting my phone up to 1ghz to run these would be battery life. the battery is going to drain considerably more when its clocked up to 1ghz constantly just to run these games as opposed to the 800hmz i am running right now.
either way, i am getting mad jollies out of playing ff8 on this.
-I found going from stock to 800 gave a very nice imrpovement. Made most non action games playable with some slowdowns.
-From 800 up to 1Ghz gave a small improvment. Eliminated most slowdowns from the Final Fantasy games for me.
-From 1Ghz to 1.2Ghz gave almost no improvment, though it did turn my phone into portable cooking device...
I really want to see Gran Turismo 2 playable on my phone. Even at 1.2Ghz it slows down considerably with other cars on the track
For now I am satisfied with FF7, FF8 and FF tactics though