(release) themed handcent

ok,i added the black handcent in OP and the green handcent in post #2 i ran out of room in OP
am i doing something wrong because i installed the black and white handcent from the OP and when i opened it the only thing that changed was the border color was black. all the text keys are the stock color grey. what am i doing wrong im on bb 0.9 running 2.1
when you say text keys,you mean the keyboard. if so its because handcent doesnt come with a keyboard,what you see in my screen shots are swype keyboard but i cant post them on the board/forum

side not the black handcent and green handcent are working progress cause i dont think they are dark enough,the black one isnt much different then stock,just the buttons are darker, the green version is more like lime or light green......sorry guys. im going to post 2 versions of the black version,need some testing/feedback on them
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Sneaky... These look Great. Nice job and Thank you. Only thing I would like to see is a darker green Handcent. The color us working for me but its a little on the minty side. If you are looking for a project, changing the green color might be an option. If its doable. Thanx
so i guess everyone is satisfied

I certainly am. My only problem is I keep themeing my phone so I keep switching colors...lol.

I did get an update notice for Handcent and was not able to do the update from the version you provided. Is there a work around for it? I don't know how to update it any other way...so if not I may just stick with the one you provided.

so i guess everyone is satisfied

I certainly am. My only problem is I keep themeing my phone so I keep switching colors...lol.

I did get an update notice for Handcent and was not able to do the update from the version you provided. Is there a work around for it? I don't know how to update it any other way...so if not I may just stick with the one you provided.

the ones in the OP and #2 post are updated with newest version. i also noticed there was an update to handcent in the market,so i updated all the colors. just redownload the colors you want.