That's NOT true. I had the OG from launch day and Tbolt from launch day. My Tbolt has zero connection issues, and I go out in the middle of nowhere for work on a week in/week out basis. The signal meter in my hotel last week was weak on the phone, often at zero bars, but did not lose one call while talking for several hours and never had an issue with an internet connection. To relate to this thread, it appears HTC has the 4g radio figured out while Moto is still playing with it. Also, my battery life is a lot greater with the latest update, and it sounds like the Rezound has better battery life than the Razr, though I don't own either.
Just wanted to point out that in terms of the radio, HTC seems better for the time being, though I am sure Moto will figure it out.
Ok....since many ppl have posted about connection issues with T Bolts... or how they went from an Inc, T Bolt or any HTC phone in general and phone reception was better on a Moto phone....lets just chalk it up to some bad units out there. For all phones, no matter the manufacture. Or updates fixing issues... And congrats on having a solid working T Bolt.
lol..ppl are looking for these Droids: the Droid X1, Bionic, RAZR, and Droid 3 specifically. I see new users of each phone almost on a weekly basis.FWIW The manager at the Verizon store who was trying to dissuade me from returning the bionic for the rezound said it was an issue with faulty SIM cards.
The sales associate put the same 4G sim card in the rezound which has had zero issues. The sales associate also mentioned that they were stocking less rezounds than razrs. The way I see it moto really needs to get its stuff together and end this unholy alliance with Verizon, because I don't think these are the droids anyone is looking for.
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