Got my sister a rezound and me a Razr, getting both today in a few hours. I'll try to make a first impressions review thread, and in a week or two I'll review them.
I expect that the rezound will be faster on paper, but garbage software, err, HTC sense will bog it down. Razr will be sexier. The Razr will do better with long falls (not that I have intentions on dropping it) due to its light weight, and the rezound will hold up better cause it's plastic-ish and rubber-ish material.
Not a fan of Dr. Dre at all, but I'll check out how the audio is too. It seems not many pro cell reviewers are audiophiles, and just go on about the headphones. What about the audio chipset? >.>
Finally, compare screens. The Razr should do better in sunlight, but the 720p wonderfulness of the rezound should be better overall.
Worst comes to worst, I'll make some convincing argument and tell her the razr matches her shoes better and trade.