After a couple days my battery is at its best. Better than it was on the stock rom. Whatever you did Fab, keep doing it. The rom has gotten a lot smoother.
Only one thing, sometimes turning on the screen doesnt work. I'll press it, nothing...hold it down and nothing. Then 5 mins later i'll press the button and it turns right on.
Did you do it as a fresh flash? I found that just flashing it over top of an older version cleard that issue up for me.
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Nope, Just flashed over my stock rom. This was the first one I've installed on my phone.
Got a weird message late last night on it though. Said "Process could not be completed" or something of that nature and had the option to RC or wait. I pressed FC and got a black screen so when I held down the power button it gave me the option to shut off and reboot and all that. So far so good though, not another episode of that.