I know this sounds petty but the led next to charge port wont come on when I charge, am I the only one? I use it at night when im charging to let me know when its done.
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I had this issue right after I flashed but it has since cleared itself up. Not sure what caused it.
I am however having an issue with my screen not turning back on when I hit the lock button. The rom also is running a little slow for me. I have my phone overclocked with the jrummy oc app at lv 1.25 just like the last release but this one seems to run much slower. I am going to reflash and see if it clears up. I had put on the gb keyboard from rom manager and had restored because it was the small key one when in landscape mode. When I restored it I got a FC in the system process the first time I booted. A second reboot worked though.
Could possibly be due to the OCing...does it happen without it?
Also, I had a major screen lock issue like that when running one of the wifi tether apps for root off the market place..it was one of the freebies..can't remember which one it was now, but every time i had that app on after a couple of hours or so, the screen never turned back on. Once I removed the app the issue went away. Something possibly to do with the way it was keeping the device 'awake' for wifi I think.