Silver Member
let me know how your install goes my friend. good luck!
Fell asleep and woke to the install...all well.....had a tb issue where it wouldn't find my su..but this happened before...anyway the method works...I wound up sbfing and then wiping all, and then one at a time flashing the gb leak, then gbcm7 and the battpatch...all went without a hitch..battery seemed decent..going to do this all over again...just to make sure I took each step right and see if they get the vids working and camera...thanks SimonLefisch! Awesome! Sorry I passsed out during the install..lol
Going to take a break and charge up and do it all over again..gotta have my apps..tried everything..lol
This time I'm going to try backup pro...just for giggles..lol be back soon to check on progress!! Peace!