I'm still working on the issue with the built in CPU clock, but a lot of additions have been put into build 08 so far and because of the extent of things that have been done, I think I will build and release 08 tomorrow. most likely CPU clock will not function unless I can get it fixed tonight.
now for that explanation.
The code itself for the CPU over-clock built in came from CVPCS and it got refined a little by the CyanogenMod team. It was back-ported to the ROM for me by MisterE. The code end of the CPU stuff is solid and functioning. We know that cause it doesn't put out any FC errors and it does function with another over-clock app installed, but even without another over-clock app it still will not FC. So because of that I had a good guess that the problem wasn't with the app code. So to confirm this I hooked up to ADB pulled the logcat and tried to change the clock. The logcat output states permission denied, so I know what the problem is, but not exactly how to fix it. It may seem like something easy to fix, but its harder than you would think, MisterE was working on it and trying to fix it, and now I am going to start on it too. So it should be fixed soon, but I'm not going to say it will work in B-08. So I'm going to try to workout permission problems tonight with that, hopefully it all goes well and it is working for B-08, but no promises.
as for other updates, here's just my thoughts on a few things I've noticed reading the posts..
mms issues I have no explanation for, me and davros talked last night and neither of us have ever had any problems with it, and from the posts it seems like most of you haven't either, but a few have had some issues, but say the OTA one works perfect. I believe you and don't doubt what your saying, but one thing to note is the code base of this ROM is the latest Android Froyo version. 2.2.2 so it working on the OTA but not here doesn't make sense to me because all the code is the same. I have added parts of code to the app, but have not re-done or messed with anything that deals with message sending/receiving. I've simply added more options to vibrate and LED, and others that improve the app. So if you are having issues, please report them so I can see how big of a problem this is, and if you can try to get the problem to happen while running 'adb logcat' and get me the output. There may be an error on your device of some sort or with the app that is only showing up rarely, and the only way of me fixing it is if I know what to look for. otherwise trying to review all the messaging code is like trying to shift through all the sand on a beach in order to find a blue grain of sand. If an error was significant then source WILL NOT compile the app, Android was set up to check it self like that, it doesn't get everything, but all major things are caught when compiling.
personally I have never used titanium or any other backup feature other than the Google/Android provided ones. I'm not saying not to use them or anything, but I never used them because I liked the getting the clean install like you guys mentioned. The fact that your getting soft reboots is because titanium messes with the device /data directory and most of the time there are no issues, but you need to remember when you backup your app it may be named '' but when you re-install if from the market it may be downloaded as '' I've noticed that when apps install usually they look like and some apps when they update put a 1 after the name. that happens because you can't have 2 folders with the same name, and when you update the app, it will build the dependencies it needs on your phone, but it does it in a new directory then moves your files into the new one. So my guess which could be wrong is that your apps all say .1 or whatever in your backups but the phone is then having a directory for and which it doesn't need, because after it moves everything to the .1 folder when an app updates it removes the old folder so you dont have 2. so this could explain the soft reboot issues you are having. idk if that made sense but i tried.. lol its been a long day.
Please continue to report issues and if you can get me the logcat of your problem please do and send it my way so I can fix the problem if there is one for everyone.