Just something to note... Further isolation of slider/lock pattern bug
If I upgrade to Lithium Mod from a straight-up Kangerade 5.0.9 install (WITHOUT the:
with_clock_green.zip update installed, which is the added-in extra theming for the notification bar, and clock), then the upgrade goes fine and all works well, INCLUDING the slider/lock pattern screen. All is well.
BUT, I discovered that if I then install the
with_clock_green.zip update onto it (which changes the framework-res to add-in some green theming to the notification bar), it then BORKS up the slider/lock pattern screen, and it then looks like what others described as lock button hanging off of screen on the slider lock page, and on the pattern lock screen, it says to install my SD card, and to connect my charger, and there are red rings around all the pattern buttons, and both lock screens there is a big grey bar running all the top half from left to right(see pics):
So then out of curiosity I tried this scenario:
If I revert back to the Kangerade 5.0.9 ROM, and then pre-install it with the:
with_clock_green.zip update then all looks good so far in Kangerade, and the slider/lock pattern screens look as they should. And now finally, if I then do the upgrade from Kangerade 5.0.9 to Lithium-Mod 1.0.12 (not clearing cache nor data), and reboot, it works, but it removes the
with_clock_green.zip update package from the install. So the green clock is back to white, and all the green text from the notification bar slider is back to white, BUT the slider/lock pattern screens are still fine and look good.
Now, I went and re-installed the
with_clock_green.zip update again and now the slider/lock pattern screens are all messed up again like in the above pics.
So it appears that there is something in the framework-res.apk contained in the with_clock_green.zip update that does not agree with Lithium. It would be cool if this update could be made to be compatible, because I really like the pretty green colors on the clock and notification bar slider that this update provides, but it is obviously not compatible with Lithium at this point. Maybe those zips just need to be rebuilt for Lithium Mod in order to work right. I'm still learning how it all works so I am in the dark regarding the nuts-and-bolts of why this update breaks the slider/lock pattern screens in Lithium Mod and not in Kangerade.