Someone requested the stock wallpaper used in this ROM earlier... I'm sorry, I forget what user it was and the post got buried. But here is the wallpaper!
I hope you like it!
None of the Widgets are required for me day to day (almost anything can be put back if you look for something similar on the market)) ...... I will definitely be donating..... I also plan to do basically the same thing Droidmodderx does on YouTube with the walkthrus and reviews as soon as I get free time.... I will be including this in one of my first videos

hopefully it will also generate some donations for you
That was my thoughts when creating the ROM. If it wasn't able to be achieved by side-loaded Android Market applications, then it was more likely to stay -- given it wasn't completely worthless to the ROM or users. Unfortunately, some things, such as BlurCalendarSync were removed on accident, but in future updates, they will be replaced. I'm also looking toward getting a few AOSP applications to replace ones on the phone now. Hopefully this will add to the user experience and increase performance.
Once that video is posted, please link it here, and also message it to me. I will be sure to update my original post with it!

Also, if you would like to message me your YouTube channel, I will sub, view, and like your videos!
Again, thank you very much for the support and feedback!
flashed without wiping data or cache and its working great so far. I have noticed the search button isn't working but it works on a long press.
Also thank you so much for making this rom!!
Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad you had success without wiping. It has already been reported about the search button. It is due to the removal of GoogleQuickSearch from the system. It will be replaced with the next update. Thank you very much for your feedback.
Ok so after I recovered back to stock rom, I backed up all my contacts to google. I also testdrove a ton of calendar apps and the only one I found to work for me was Jorte. Wiped cache and flashed the rom and couldn't be happier now! Running my minimalist theme with launcher 7 and it is fast and beautiful!
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
Good to hear! So, I'm assuming your themes have flashed over flawlessly? If you would like, I would love to add a section of my original post dedicated to you and your themes. I will give full credit, of course. Appearance is a big thing in the consumer world, and I would like all users to be able to use a theme that is pleasing to them.
is the bootstrapper .apk included in the rom so we still have access to the recovery
Unfortunately, no. I'm not really sure what I was thinking not including this in the build. I was just excited to finally achieve a stable build and released it with a few things missing. Thanks for pointing this out. It will most definitely be added in an update.
Like to have have google search and google + bar merged all I want off of google search is the mic for voice search. I would also like to see recovery left in and wireless tether with infrastructure mode. Keep it up and I will donate more. Power controls in the notification drop down would be sweet too.
Thank you for the feedback. I will do all I can to fulfill these requests as they are very good ideas. They are more difficult tasks to achieve, but I will most definitely be working vigorously to accomplish them and get them into a future update. Also, thanks for the donation, it is greatly appreciated.
Just in case anyone was looking for the Froyo Google Talk app:
Google Talk Download
Apparently, it was also considered "bloat"?
Thanks for posting this.
Anyones else'sback key not work
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
Ew, this is no good. I had never experienced this, but will look into it for you.
Could other users please test their back button and post the results? Thank you!
"My backup root" backs up messages and call logs. "Super manager" backs up apks to your sd card, as well as a bunch of other things. Both free - as an alternative to titanium.
Sent from my LGB v0.9 Gingercomb Juiced DROID2
Thank you for posting these free applications. I was unaware with them. When I get time to update the original post, I will be sure to include them with direct links to the market.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I wish you all a good morning/afternoon/evening/night -- which ever it may be.
A little something extra before I go to bed.
For those wondering how the fishing trip went...