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[ROM]One small step for man one giant leap for --- Liberty 1.5 2/2/2011

I guess since Kejar has been on he is planning on ignoring this...you really don't think an explanation is in order?

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I am not ignoring you as this is the first time I have read your complaint.

I did not implement the battery Icon chooser and was not aware we used anything from your work! I will discuses this with Jrummy16 today and if indeed this is true I will happily apply credit to you on the main post.

One question though? What exactly did you create? Was it the themed icons themselves (cause I know for a fact I created the first two)? Or just to look of the layout?

If you look at Sephtin's theme creator site (located in the themes thread) and look at the battery list you will see that the ones in your toolbox are exactly the same and in the same order even. My images are I believe the last group in your tool box and come from my Yellow Jacket theme. What I'm more concerned about is Sephtin getting credit for a site that took a hugh amount of his time and putting it all together. I'm not accusing anyone of anything and don't want to make a big deal over it, but if you look at his site and your theme box you will see why it looks fishy to me. And, if I'm off base with this and you got the images elsewhere I'm sorry (just want to make sure Sephtin gets credit if it is due).

After reviewing Sephen's (who is a friend of both the dev's on this ROM) site I can definitely see Jrummy used it as a reference while creating the icon chooser add-on. Although I will assure you that non of the code was used from him....

I have modified the original post to include battery-Icon credit (directly under themes)

I included you and Sephin
Installed liberty 1.5 rom everything works great if i change to blue or red theme in toolbox it makes my twitter get a error. Only the liberty theme twitter app works. Tried uninstall and reinstall twitter and reinstalled liberty rom would like some help thx guys

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Ok I will point this out to Draya (the theme creator) and see what he can do
Every time I reboot my "read" email becomes "new" again. I hear the notifications and the icon pops up. Any insight on how to correct this issue?
Loving this rom. Not one problem. Themed with big dx crystal. Running like it should, smooth and fast.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I am not ignoring you as this is the first time I have read your complaint.

I did not implement the battery Icon chooser and was not aware we used anything from your work! I will discuses this with Jrummy16 today and if indeed this is true I will happily apply credit to you on the main post.

One question though? What exactly did you create? Was it the themed icons themselves (cause I know for a fact I created the first two)? Or just to look of the layout?

If you look at Sephtin's theme creator site (located in the themes thread) and look at the battery list you will see that the ones in your toolbox are exactly the same and in the same order even. My images are I believe the last group in your tool box and come from my Yellow Jacket theme. What I'm more concerned about is Sephtin getting credit for a site that took a hugh amount of his time and putting it all together. I'm not accusing anyone of anything and don't want to make a big deal over it, but if you look at his site and your theme box you will see why it looks fishy to me. And, if I'm off base with this and you got the images elsewhere I'm sorry (just want to make sure Sephtin gets credit if it is due).

After reviewing Sephen's (who is a friend of both the dev's on this ROM) site I can definitely see Jrummy used it as a reference while creating the icon chooser add-on. Although I will assure you that non of the code was used from him....

I have modified the original post to include battery-Icon credit (directly under themes)

I included you and Sephin

Just as a quick follow up... Once I was made aware that battery icons were going to be used from the site, I did speak with both Droid74 and Akiles (both of whom made icons that are(were) only available on my site...) And both said that it was ok that they be used...
My apologies for not thinking of credit. :P
Either way, I know no harm was done... In fact, I have hopes to include a couple of the themes from Liberty toolbox on the site in the near future (obtaining permission from their author first and giving credit where it's due, of course)... I see this as a win, win. :)

Thanks Kejar for adding the icon developers to the credit list!

Edit: What the heck.. Shameless plug:
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I'm new here. I just got the X after having a rooted OG Droid for a 18 months. I know a little about flashing roms and I am a fan of JRummy's work.
My problem: I downloaded Liberty 1.5 this morning. installed. booted. everything is cool. Now I want to change the theme. I go through the tool box, and none of the themes seem to work for me. They say they cant be found. Install aborted. (This same thing happened to me on v1.0) Should I try to re-download v1.5? I went back to Liberty v1.0 for now, where I was experiencing the same problem with changing themes. Is there a secret to this? Is it really as simple as opening the toolbox, selecting theme, and letting it reboot? The only theme I could get to work ok v1.0 was Nextheme. On, v1.5 I cant get any theme to work.

Should I stay on v1.0? How do I get the old toolbox back?

I think this Liberty Rom is AWESOME! You guys did a very good job!Thank you in advance for anyone with a little help on theme changing.
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Did u goto sd card liberty/downloads and erase the themes to make sure your getting a fresh download and also dont do anything till its finished

Sent from my DROIDX
So I downloaded 1.5 last night, no problems, rebooted bootstrap, installed zip, no problem, got everything set up (icon-wise), then figured I'd try to dl a new theme from Lib Toolbox. Clicked the Mysterious Beast theme, started downloading, then realized I wasn't up to v. 1.1 Toolbox. I backed out of the Toolbox to update it from Market, went back into Toolbox 1.1, decided I'd wait on themes (cause I'm impatient that way), and went to dl the Gingerbread keyboard. Headed for bed, then my phone turned off and rebooted by itself, and left me with this:
Upon reboot, a yellow bar appears in the middle of the screen (looks like a butter bar) after the M (where the Liberty eagle was at on 1.0). Then everything loads up as normal, with the exception of a small detail. There are no words. Anywhere. Icons are fine, windows and alerts still pop up, but they are empty. Yelp!

Could someone possibly post screenshots of Liberty Toolbox walking me through the pages to the reboot options? I can still see the buttons, but there are not words on them so I don't know which ones to press to get me to reboot bootstrap..

Thanks all.

me to any help with this
I have the same issue. Gingerbread keyboard does not install either. The yellow bar goes away if you enable full boot animation. However, disabling boot animation again still shows the yellow bar (instead of "android").
Install went well, however installing red gb theme from toolbox caused bootloops

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Every time I reboot my "read" email becomes "new" again. I hear the notifications and the icon pops up. Any insight on how to correct this issue?

try Settings>>Applications>>Manage Applications>>All
go down to gmail and clear the cache and data.

everytime i flash a rom i have to do this to get gmail to work properly.
(prolly cuz i Titanium apps and data back and it borks something up)