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[ROM]One small step for man one giant leap for --- Liberty 1.5 2/2/2011

Just checked.... data throttle and no clock from 1.0 work with 1.5.

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The services.jar was not changed from 1.0 to 1.5 so as long as you have a working version for 1.0 I see no reason why it wont work for 1.5

Just make sure that it was created from the 1.0 services.jar and not another ROM
Awesome rom!!! What's the standard donation amount? I donated $10 and feel that's a bargain to get my phone running so smoothly. Just one thing...I miss speed dial on the phone. Anyway of getting it back?
no text to speech on either key board, tried installing google voice but i get error "package file not signed correctly" please help/ thanks
Did u goto sd card liberty/downloads and erase the themes to make sure your getting a fresh download and also dont do anything till its finished

Sent from my DROIDX

How long should it take to Download/install? been watching it d/l for 10 minutes? Trying to get NexTheme on v1.5
I've got text to speech on my swype keyboard. I did have to restore voice search in Titanium though (not sure they are related).
Awesome rom!!! What's the standard donation amount? I donated $10 and feel that's a bargain to get my phone running so smoothly. Just one thing...I miss speed dial on the phone. Anyway of getting it back?

The speed dial config was built into the phone app on Blur, and doesn't work on non-blur framework ROMs... :(

There are a couple front end dialers that will give you speed dial back:
DialerOne, aContacts for example...
Or, there are a couple speed dial apps that will do it too.. (NOT the hold the button speed dial.. but dialing that number and hitting dial)...
The one I usually recommend is here:
Speed Dial - Android Application on the Android market

no text to speech on either key board, tried installing google voice but i get error "package file not signed correctly" please help/ thanks

Where did you get google voice? O.o Grabbing "Voice Search" (by google) from the market doesn't install correctly?!?!? O.o
I guess since Kejar has been on he is planning on ignoring this...you really don't think an explanation is in order?

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I am not ignoring you as this is the first time I have read your complaint.

I did not implement the battery Icon chooser and was not aware we used anything from your work! I will discuses this with Jrummy16 today and if indeed this is true I will happily apply credit to you on the main post.

One question though? What exactly did you create? Was it the themed icons themselves (cause I know for a fact I created the first two)? Or just to look of the layout?

If you look at Sephtin's theme creator site (located in the themes thread) and look at the battery list you will see that the ones in your toolbox are exactly the same and in the same order even. My images are I believe the last group in your tool box and come from my Yellow Jacket theme. What I'm more concerned about is Sephtin getting credit for a site that took a hugh amount of his time and putting it all together. I'm not accusing anyone of anything and don't want to make a big deal over it, but if you look at his site and your theme box you will see why it looks fishy to me. And, if I'm off base with this and you got the images elsewhere I'm sorry (just want to make sure Sephtin gets credit if it is due).

I did use his site to download battery images. I also talked to sephtin and he said it was cool with whoever made the icons to use them. I can assure you than no code was used from sephtin as it is 100% different implemtation and a different programming language. Honestly, credit gets harder and harder to give properly when you don't know who really made images. I see images I made in different themes all the time. But, I do apologize if there were any hard feelings.
twitter wont sign it gets a unexpected error if i uninstall it and try to install from market gets a error im using the blue gingerbread theme and it comes preloaded in it. i reinstall theme and still the same issue

I got the same error after installing a theme with twitter in it. If you delete the apk from system it will fix it. You can just go into liberty toolbox -> manage apps -> remove apps and do it from there.


I waited for 1.5 to hit, and it's AWESOME! However I like the Blur Camera and when I'm in Liberty Toolbox and click on Camera Blur it says downloading for a second and then an error. I did download and installed 1.1 from the market.

Ideas??? It also happens on anything else too, like Music Blur.
JRummy it is all good. My thing is just that Sephtin has worked so hard on this project and I just want him to get props for it (as he gives himself little)...I dont care for myself. Im just along for the ride. You, KeJar, and Sephtin all do great jobs and I'm just happy to be around.
Loving this rom, haven't had any problems. I was reading a couple of days ago about a hack that would improve call quality but wouldn't work on blur-less roms but they were trying to find a way to get it to work on Liberty. Was wondering if they got it to work on 1.5?