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[ROM]One small step for man one giant leap for --- Liberty 1.5 2/2/2011

Agreed kdkinc however I wasn't sure I could even get to that point as the unit wasn't recognized when I attached it to the pc while it was giving me fits.

Can I assume now that it's up and running on Liberty I will need to re-root or reinstall software?
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Agreed kdkinc however I wasn't sure I could even get to that point as the unit wasn't recognized when I attached it to the pc while it was giving me fits.

Can I assume now that it's up and running on Liberty I will need to re-root or reinstall software?

if you ARE up and running let Google and Market do its thing.
The Noob Guide post is great info to have at your finger tips
Well this is sweet.... appears all my apps are still loaded... just need to reconfigure all my 'default' options.... even root is still intact.

.....later that day

uh oh.... loaded a theme.... downloaded... rebooted... said... 'I'm installing your new theme'..... rebooted... now stuck at 2nd Liberty logo.... and no animation.... the plot thickins

.... pulled battery... restarted... back to animation logo... (1 cycle of the animation)... looks to be hung... will monitor for a bit then....... PANIC!

ok....no panic! just took a while to load the new theme. Not used to that. So far... so good.... guess I better back this little hummer up at some point here.

It's always my hope that by documenting some of the issues I run up against in here... that this info can be searched upon and be of assistance to another in a similar position. As such I feel the need to update this just a bit to indicate that NOT all loaded programs remained loaded after the installation of Liberty. I have come to find that many programs, and understand that I had 100's loaded on my droid X, have to be reinstalled as they are not being seen any longer by Liberty.... so... there will be a bit of reconstruction for anyone moving to Liberty from an existing setup. I've had apps and widgets completely disappear.
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Allow me to clarify... I AM holding the home and power button.... that method gives me the error.... but leaves me at the standard boot loader... the triangle never comes up.... the other method... holding the vol down, camera, and power buttons do not result in an error but still only take me into the standard boot loader with no triangle. The distinction being the first method shows the initial Liberty logo (non animated) then an err and the latter does not show the Liberty logo nor the err...

My situation (stuck at the boot logo, before animation) after multiple battery pulls and attempts to get into clockwork, is that I can only get to the android recovery (with the exclamation point) menu. My question is, can I rename the Liberty Rom zip to "update.zip" and choose the install update.zip option? Or can I use the maderstock zip renamed to "update.zip"? Or do I just have to SBF?
Allow me to clarify... I AM holding the home and power button.... that method gives me the error.... but leaves me at the standard boot loader... the triangle never comes up.... the other method... holding the vol down, camera, and power buttons do not result in an error but still only take me into the standard boot loader with no triangle. The distinction being the first method shows the initial Liberty logo (non animated) then an err and the latter does not show the Liberty logo nor the err...

My situation (stuck at the boot logo, before animation) after multiple battery pulls and attempts to get into clockwork, is that I can only get to the android recovery (with the exclamation point) menu. My question is, can I rename the Liberty Rom zip to "update.zip" and choose the install update.zip option? Or can I use the maderstock zip renamed to "update.zip"? Or do I just have to SBF?

ok try this,
Put phone on WALL battery charger with phone on to what level it turns on to.
pull battery while still on charger.
replace battery
reboot phone should go into DX recovery.
ok try this,
Put phone on WALL battery charger with phone on to what level it turns on to.
pull battery while still on charger.
replace battery
reboot phone should go into DX recovery.

Yes, DX recovery is what I meant by android recovery...I need to know if I can re-install liberty or use the maderstock zip by renaming one of them "update.zip", placing it on the root of the sdcard and using the install update.zip option from the DX recovery. Or should I SBF?

I have already tried wiping the cache, then I tried wiping data/factory reset...both to no avail.

Edit: Ahhh, my bad, by DX recovery you meant Clockwork recovery...that worked...trying to reinstall liberty now....thx for the help. Will update on what happens.
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ok try this,
Put phone on WALL battery charger with phone on to what level it turns on to.
pull battery while still on charger.
replace battery
reboot phone should go into DX recovery.

Yes, DX recovery is what I meant by android recovery...I need to know if I can re-install liberty or use the maderstock zip by renaming one of them "update.zip", placing it on the root of the sdcard and using the install update.zip option from the DX recovery. Or should I SBF?

I have already tried wiping the cache, then I tried wiping data/factory reset...both to no avail.

no need to rename zip.
select zip and follow the command on the menu
if Maderstcok remember to reboot before doing anything as far a root and rom
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ok try this,
Put phone on WALL battery charger with phone on to what level it turns on to.
pull battery while still on charger.
replace battery
reboot phone should go into DX recovery.

Yes, DX recovery is what I meant by android recovery...I need to know if I can re-install liberty or use the maderstock zip by renaming one of them "update.zip", placing it on the root of the sdcard and using the install update.zip option from the DX recovery. Or should I SBF?

I have already tried wiping the cache, then I tried wiping data/factory reset...both to no avail.

no need to rename zip.
select zip and follow the command on the menu
if Maderstcok remember to reboot before doing anything as far a root and rom

Ok, your advice about plugging into the wall instead of the computer was what allowed me to get to Clockwork recovery. Prior to that I was only able to get into the android recovery. So I was able to re-install Liberty, and all seems to be going well...resyncing now.

I still have a question as to whether or not installing a zip file or using an update.zip are really the same thing? i.e., if I were still only able to get into android recovery, could I rename the Liberty Rom zip to update.zip and use that option from the recovery menu? Because there is no other install from sdcard option in that menu like there is in the Clockwork recovery menu.

Thanks for the help.
Yes, DX recovery is what I meant by android recovery...I need to know if I can re-install liberty or use the maderstock zip by renaming one of them "update.zip", placing it on the root of the sdcard and using the install update.zip option from the DX recovery. Or should I SBF?

I have already tried wiping the cache, then I tried wiping data/factory reset...both to no avail.

no need to rename zip.
select zip and follow the command on the menu
if Maderstcok remember to reboot before doing anything as far a root and rom

Ok, your advice about plugging into the wall instead of the computer was what allowed me to get to Clockwork recovery. Prior to that I was only able to get into the android recovery. So I was able to re-install Liberty, and all seems to be going well...resyncing now.

I still have a question as to whether or not installing a zip file or using an update.zip are really the same thing? i.e., if I were still only able to get into android recovery, could I rename the Liberty Rom zip to update.zip and use that option from the recovery menu? Because there is no other install from sdcard option in that menu like there is in the Clockwork recovery menu.

Thanks for the help.

in my understanding "use a update zip" would apply to OTA zip only.
99,9% use "select a zip"
YES confusing :)

Oh by the way YEAH!!!

edit: OTA = over the air mostly VZW update crap
in my understanding "use a update zip" would apply to OTA zip only.

I forgot about that...the reason is that an "update.zip" like you would get over the air, has to be signed. So I would have had to SBF if the only thing I could get to was the android recovery menu. Thank God for Clockwork Recovery and people on the forums that are willing to help.

Thanks again.
does the liberty rom include the swype program for the keyboard? I really love the ability to swype and dont want to lose it when I flash my rom
Yes, it includes swype. On a text input, press and hold, and it will take you to input method, switch to swype and swype away!
My battery life has been terrible with liberty 1.5. Any suggestions guys?

If you DON'T have data roaming enabled (I don't think it is by default) - this will suck your battery life.
Go to settings/Wireless & networks/Mobile networks
under there is a setting (or two) for data roaming. From what I have read, Verizon will not charge you for data roaming on your unlimited plan as long as you are in the US. If you enable data roaming, you will get much better battery performance.