No HDMI out support? Why would you cripple one of the best features of the phone? I was enjoying this ROM so much until I found this out. Back to stock :icon_frown:
I don't understand why people want to get rid of blur. If you don't like it use a different launcher. There are a lot of blur elements that just work right for the DX. Hopefully the next version of liberty will give us a choice on what blur apps we want to keep or get rid of.
I don't see why not. In the toolbox you can install the blur camera and blur gallery. How come no DX blur media player that supports hdmi?
Short version:
BLUR based ROMs don't mess with the framework much. They might change out apps, and add scripts, and .. do a few fancy things, but you're still running a ROM based on the Blur framework.
Pretty sure all of the non-Blur ROMs available (including Liberty) use a base for the framework that's from the DroidX Moto SDK, and a few other non-Moto sources (to get some other things working properly)...
It's not that they just "took it out", it's that it simply doesn't work with the framework that the ROM is based on... so they didn't include broken functionality. If the framework can be made to work including some of those Blur features.. someone will probably eventually figure out how, and it may be added to some of the Blur-less ROMs (feel free to fix it and submit a patch... I'm sure almost all of the devs would be thrilled to include it!).
Until then someone does figure it out, you have options... You can either be grateful for a clean, fast, efficient, blur-less ROM (that removes the Blur that moto puts on the phone, or you can run a ROM that's based on the Blur framework.
If that doesn't explain it clearly enough, feel free to PM me for details...
Happy to help if I can...