PLEASE... STOP asking about SHIFT3R. I am taking both Builds in a different direction to allow me to maintain them easier and to give you something unique. Plus, some new goodies came about that I want in them to avoid another update in 3 days. And to those starting BS rumors about it being dead need to relax (you know who you are). What phone "I" run really isn't a concern to you.

Timing is the ONLY thing you see... as I have stated in ALL forums, this is my busiest time of the season, that is the ONLY reason you don't have something new to flash every other day.
Well... for what it is worth, personal reasons required me to turn to stock and UN rooted.
as a dedicated th3ory romm3r, I cannot tell you how proud I am to actually be jonesing to get back into the thick of things! Lol...
it took me a bit of reading to get caught back up to the forum but WOW! what greatness abounds!
I'll be here on the sidelines for another week or so but shadowing has its merits too

Have A grand holiday, and keep up the fine work DT and DH, and the rest of you blokes

try not to east too much, lol.
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