first of all let me say this is a dose of awesomeness. i loaded this last night and it is running great. the options in this rom are endless. my search button doesn't work either but really i don't use it anyways so no biggie.
04civi, i am able to access the dozens of ringtones and notifications i have stored on my sd card, i also verified they are all working correctly. I put mine under media/audio/ringtones, also have my notifications in separate file under "audio". i don't know if this will help but i can confirm they are working fine.
edit: i'm currently using 2.3.15, sorry i didn't mention that earlier
Tat, great idea (I put mine under media/audio/ringtones)! am trying that now to see if that works. Other roms, the folder I have them in now was always recognized when I go into any sort of app that allows custom rings .ie gmail,ringtonerandomizer, contact,sms,..etc..AM not ready to take that leak plunge yet until I am very comfortable like I was w/my D1
UHHH Tat, Your Suggestion worked Great, Guess Am Jrummin it
Damn I love this site..