I posted these questions way back on page 23 of this thread and never got a response. So I figured I give it another shot.....
Couple questions for all those who know more than me.
There are a few options in the settings of the liberty tools app that I am unsure of as what is recommended/used by most of the peeps in the know..
ZipAlign system apps currently it is unchecked
ZipAlign data apps currently it is checked
Clear cache(on boot) currently it is unchecked
Restore apps feature is currently checked
What is the benefit(s)/disadvantages of having each item above checked??
Also, what exactly is the restore app feature about? Is it for when the rom has updates in order to restore your apps after a system wipe or something?
Any input is much appreciated.
I'll take a swing, if someone wants to fill in more info on this, that'd be great.
To make .apk's more efficient on memory (I believe), there is a tool that comes with the android SDK called zipalign.
.apk's that come in the ROM (/system folder) are already zipaligned. But themes and apps sometimes are not.
(themes are installed to /system, with some components to /data).
So, since the ROM is already zipaligned, /system is off, as it's not needed, but if installing a theme, or modding framework-res, or any other .apk changes to system, it wouldn't hurt to turn ZipAlign system on for a reboot, then turn it back off.
ZipAlign /data is good to have on, as anytime apps change, they will be checked up on the next reboot, and if needed, zipaligned.
The only downside to having these checked, would be a couple extra seconds of boot time. It won't hurt anything to have them on, and may improve performance slightly.
Clear cache shouldn't be necessary, unless there is a reason to clear it (problems with something, it becomes corrupted, etc.)... which is very rare. The only advantage to having this set that I know of, is if you install a theme, sometimes it's advised to clear cache if there are framework changes in the theme.
Restore apps is a feature, that lets you put apps that you want installed (example, coming from another ROM, or apps that you've backed up).. just put the apps in /sdcard/liberty/restore_apps folder, make sure the box is checked, and they'll be installed.
Lemme know if I missed something.