has anybody figured out what apks are needed to get the stock messaging app on focused? I tried moving conversations.apk and messaging.apk to the system app, set permissions, as well as the com.motorola.blur.library.messaging jar file to the framework folder and set permissions. It opens up and then closes out right away...any ideas?
Edit: One other question...
If I unzipped focused or blurry and put files in or took some out, and then zipped it back up, is there a reason that it will not install through clockwork? Is there a certain way of zipping and signing or something? I attempted this when I want to do a quick way of moving apk's in, but when it tried to install through clockwork it just got stuck on the install and froze, then I had to sbf. I did this like three times trying different ways but it doesn't like it if you do something and zip it up and try to install...Drod, do you have a special seal on this rom??? lol
Update: I think I just had a moment haha. When I zipped it up, it also zipped up and extra folder. like when you click on the original zip and it opens up theres three folders, meta-inf, system, sdcard. When I zipped it up, it zipped up the folder that these three folders were in, so I don't think the phone could read it with the extra folder.