So I'm still waiting on Verizon to call and tell me my phone's in. I guess that's good because its given me time to read and re-read a couple of these threads.
Basically what I've gathered is:
-R2 has a newer build (2.4.5) and can't accept the 2.4.0 ROMs.
-There seems to be only one dev working on a 2.4.5 ROM. Thanks Moto!
-There isn't a .sbf for 2.4.5 so if one screws something up, they're SOL.
Now a couple questions...
-Who's gonna step up and create this .sbf file? I'm a concert promoter/graphic designer not a programmer.
-Is there even enough interest for this file? I would assume so, but seeing as how most of the devs don't own an R2, it's kinda questionable.
I originally stated I wanted to root and flash some custom ROMs. But now, even though I'm fully confident rooting, flashing, running RSDlite on the D1, I'm having second thoughts. But I have 30 days to return and I'm crossing my fingers more ROMs and the .sbf file will be available before then.
I see donations to those involved.
The Droid community does not create SBF files, they have all been leaked. I don't know if they are possible to create, but given I've never heard it discussed before.
SBF files have a consistent history of "leakage" so it does seem like a 2.4.5 SBF will eventually show up.
SBF files can be edited/hacked/created. Just have to have the right tools and the know how. Back in the day we use to modify some nextel phones using file formats very similar, if not the same as SBF.
Take a look at MotoCahe1's Root thread for the Droid 1. He has some custom SBF files that he made.
Thanks...duh, was coming back to correct myself, since after I posted I remembered about the SP Recovery SBF that I've actually used myself.