Also the gallery patch didn't work..i evened renamed 3d gallery to bak
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I was told that renaming the 3dgallery apk would fix, and posted it without testing.

It doesn't. Pulling it from notes in next rev of issues, and removing the patch. Until someone comes up with a workaround, the blur gallery doesn't work on current (and next) version of Focused.
I've been kicking the tires on the 2.1 Fission for a few days, and they have a patch that gets the "blur" or "Droid 2" (the one that isn't all 3D and dizzyingly horizontally swipey) gallery running just fine on my Droid X. I haven't tested it on rubiX, obviously, but I'm hopeful it'll work as rubiX is based on Fission.
I've uploaded the file:
It's called "". Like I said, it worked on my Droid X with Fission 2.1. Any brave soul willing to try it on rubiX? Make sure to to a backup first!*
*I take no responsibility for turning your phone into a toaster, a Delorean, or anything in between. I'd test it myself, but I'm getting tired of flashing ROMs!